From Zildjian:

This stack is oddly mis-matched in size, but the sound is a match made in heaven. An ultra small 8″ Oriental Trash is the foundation for this stack, which has a larger 11″ Oriental Trash Splash on top. The thinness of the trash splash creates a thick and fast classic stack sound. This stack is great played loose or tight. You choose!

Todays drummers are always looking to add new, unique and exciting sounds to their setup. Cymbal stacks are a great way to do this, but sometimes its hard to know whether or not two cymbals are going to sound great together.

For a limited time, Zildjian is offering three, great sounding pre-configured stacks. No guesswork here! Each of these three options has been paired by the sound team at Zildjian, and theyre guaranteed to bring an expressive new voice to your setup.

Weight: Thin


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